Shop with Amazon Smile!

Free for you, but priceless to RHR!!

Main_Amazon_Smile_UpdatedIf you shop on Amazon, then this new feature is the perfect way to also help support the Rhode Home Rescue. Every time you shop at Amazon, they will donate 0.5% of any applicable purchase(s) to RHR!

Best of all, you don’t pay anything extra!! 

That’s right, by using this service you won’t pay a dime more for the same great services that you’re used to, and we still receive donations from Amazon in the process.

This is an excellent way to help support RHR, save the lives of dogs, feel good about what you’re doing, and still get the same shopping experience you know and trust!

It’s a win-win for everyone and an easy way to continue to give. Here are the simple steps to take:

Just click on the Amazon Smile Link above, which will automatically take you to and set Rhode Home Rescue as your charity of choice.


  1. Open Google Chrome. If you don’t use Chrome we highly recommend using this browser over Internet Explorer or Firefox (download Google Chrome)
  2. Visit and login to your Amazon account. Type in Rhode Home Rescue in the box that says “Or pick your own charitable organization.
  3. On the next screen be sure to check the “SELECT” box for RHR
  4. You will be redirected to and will be prompted to install the Amazon Smile Extension (here is the direct link if you don’t see the pop-up for AmazonSmile 1Button.
  5. You’re all set up and now anytime you want to purchase on Amazon just click the little “amazon icon” that was installed in the top right corner of Google Chrome. Any purchase you make on Amazon 0.5% will be donated to Rhode Home Rescue.

Remember: You must be shopping on Amazon at their charity support website – which is  Shopping at the regular will not yield any donations to RHR.